Awhile back, I signed up for this deal that Enzo Salon on Newbury was running. Pay $47 up front, and you get four separate salon appointments. A fantastic deal. One of the appointments was for a facial.
If you've never had a facial before, DON'T GET ONE. Its a horrifying experience. I'll leave it at that, since we're talking about something else here.
After my facial, of course, the woman tried to sell me the products that she just used on my face. (Side note: even though the facial was a horrible and painful experience, my skin did look luminous for weeks afterward.) The products she wanted to sell me were extr

I would never normally spend that much on 50 mL of skin care product, but I felt guilty. So I decided to compare this expensive exfoliant with Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub, which costs like $4-$6 at CVS. (Don't forget your extra care card!)
Bottom line is that the Neutrogena product made my skin feel better. Whether a fresh, clean, almost tingly feeling is a good thing for one's face or not, is debatable. But I didn't feel as bad using a big glob of the Neutrogena product--I still have my bottle of Babor exfoliant, and I bought it nearly a year ago. The Bargain shopper in me feels like she has to preserve this product. But I don't really notice or feel a difference in my face after using it. I do after using the cheaper Neutrogena scrub.

Whether you choose to believe my opinion or not is your call. But I have pretty good skin, and I use skin care products that are far from high-end. In my opinion, it's not worth the money. Maybe I'll feel differently when I am middle-aged and beginning to wrinkle (but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to blame that on my tanning obsession).
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